Title: Our World Inside clip: ‘Memory Lane’.

Client: Ruth Ducker

Year: 2021


The film above was made (very quickly!) for director Ruth Ducker’s project,‘Our World Inside’, a multi award-winning collection of 15-20 second shorts on the topic of interior worlds during lockdown. All the films have a limited green, red and yellow palette to help the collage work as a whole. This extract contains only my voice-over. Sound effects and music will be later added by as Ruth’s team.

I’m considering making a slightly longer version that can exist as a solo short film.

More about the clip:

For Ruth’s project, I made very tiny micro-short about some online virtual walks that I’ve been enjoying with my mum. Maggie suffers from COPD and so had to be extra vigilant about Covid. She’s also a keen rambler and I seem to keep returning to themes of mixing portrait and landscape, inner and outer worlds – so all in all the project seemed a fitting way of getting to know my mum a bit better.

The project has had a wonderful impact on our relationship and it was really fun making this clip (we made it over Zoom, with my mum sat in an office chair spinning round while I filmed the screen). This lo-fi tiny thing is probably the most important film I’ll ever make.

  • Kate Sullivan